uSleep is our service division for professionals who work with people who suffer from insomnia and sleep problems. In this section you can find out more about the services we offer to help you understand sleep and offer effective treatment
Lack of sleep clearly has profound effects on our clients and their families, while significantly reducing their responsiveness to therapeutic interventions.
Psychobehavioural and CBT approaches have proven efficacy in providing enduring relief from the debilitating symptoms of insomnia.
Regrettably however, there is still a notable lack of training for the healthcare professional with regard to these psychobehavioural treatment strategies, with many prescribers still resorting to sleep-medication that presents concomitant issues of tolerance, dependency and other side effects
Sleep unlimited provide in-depth assessment and treatment for clients with more complex needs including those with an acquired brain injury.
We also support health and social care professionals by offering both foundation and advanced training, providing evidence-based information, insight and tools which will deepen knowledge and understanding of this often-neglected area of clinical practice.
This has impact across clinical groups and clients of all ages.