What is happening this month at Sleep Unlimited? – May 2022

Last month we focussed on Stress Awareness Month, if you are interested in knowing more about how stress impacts your sleep, check out our Stress & Sleep Blog

This month we will be raising awareness about the link between Mental Health and Sleep during Mental Health Awareness Week on the 9th – 15th of May. We will be sharing information and tips on how to improve your mental health and sleep. We also have a blog on Sleep and Mental Health.


We are looking forward to attending the Unite Professionals Conference this month. We are excited to see the lovely case managers we have had the pleasure of working with on our actigraphy assessments, as well as meeting members of the team we are yet to work with!

Actigraphy Assessments

Our actigraphy assessments are for people with neurological conditions where there is a need to explore aspects of activity, sleep, rest and exercise for the individual.

Actigraphy is a non-invasive method of monitoring rest and activity cycles over time. A small watch-shaped actigraphic sensor is worn by a client and measures gross motor activity. The unit is very sensitive and continually records even the smallest of movements.

Actigraphic assessments provide useful information on:

  • Circadian rhythms
  • The balance of sleep and activity over a 24-hour period
  • Similarities and differences between 24-hour periods
  • Consistency of routines, including imposed routines for less mobile individuals
  • Compliance with advice regarding routines, rest and activity periods
  • Effectiveness of interventions aimed at altering routines, rest and activity periods to promote rehabilitation
  • Overall levels of activity in any given day or other time period (which can correspond to specific diarised activities)
  • Sleep disturbances (length of time taken to fall asleep, time spent asleep etc…)
  • Timing of care interventions at night
  • Evaluation of fatigue levels in general and in relation to specific activities
  • Evaluating sleep and sleep disturbance for those caring for people with injuries – this can be done in conjunction with evaluating the individual with an injury for the same period and gives a clear picture of the wider effects of sleep disturbances for those receiving care from family members or professional carers providing a ‘sleeping night’ service.

For more information on our actigraphy assessments email info@sleepunlimited.co.uk

REST Programme™️

Our second online REST Programme™ of 2022 is taking place this month on the 19th & 20th of May. We can’t believe how fast it has come around! It feels like our March course was only a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to the engaging discussions about how to treat client’s sleep problems in a variety of different professions.

We still have places for our London Course in July, more information can be found on our next courses page.

Sleep Unlimited Ltd
PO Box 269

Tel: 0191 580 0008
​Email: Info@sleepunlimited.co.uk